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- Are you an ambitious go-getter who constantly feels overwhelmed and stressed out?

- Are you exhausted from struggling to handle a million things at once?

- Have you put your well-being on the back burner while taking care of others?

- Have you felt the soul-crushing effects of continuous stress and neglect?

- Are you at a point where things need to change?

I understand your struggle because I've been there myself.

Let me share my story with you.

There was a time when I believed I had it all together.

My career was on the rise, and I felt like a total badass. But deep down, my body was suffering from the constant stress and neglect that came with trying to do it all.

I was so busy taking care of everyone else that I completely neglected myself.

I was constantly hustling, working non-stop, traveling around the country, and barely seeing my kids.

Then, when I was 22 weeks pregnant with my third child, everything came crashing down.  I found myself lying helpless in a Dallas hospital bed, with doctors fighting to save both me and my unborn child.  It was a wake-up call I couldn't ignore. 

It took a near-death experience for me to realize that something had to change.

I was burning out, sacrificing my health and happiness for the sake of success in my career and business. I knew I needed to take back control of my life and find a way to thrive without sacrificing my well-being.

Through a journey of self-discovery and personal development, I discovered the incredible power of structure and habits. By implementing a system that worked for me, I transformed into an unstoppable force of productivity, efficiency, and resilience.

As someone who's been through the struggle of sacrificing my own well-being for the sake of success, I understand the toll it can take on your mind, body, and soul.

That's why I've made it my mission to help women like you overcome those challenges and unleash your inner powerhouse. My coaching focuses on three critical areas: clarifying your goals, setting up systems and habits to support your success, and developing the influence you need to achieve your dreams.

I understand the struggles you face because I've been there. That's why my coaching is designed to be actionable and results-driven. I want to empower you to take control of your life, tap into your inner strength, and overcome any obstacle standing in your way.

But I'm not just a high-performance & leadership coach - A business and life strategist. I'm also a motivational speaker, writer, and all-around badass. When I'm not coaching clients or speaking on stage, you can find me out in nature or spending quality time with my family. I believe in living a fulfilling life that's full of joy, adventure, and purpose, and I'm here to help you achieve the same. Let's work together to make it happen. 

Ready to get started?

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Success Coaching.

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Business Accelerator.

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Group Coaching.


Unleash your inner powerhouse…

Are you tired of feeling unfulfilled and burnt out despite your achievements?

Do you crave success without sacrificing your well-being?

Look no further than Felecia Etienne, a certified high-performance coach who understands the struggles of high-achieving professionals and businesswomen like you. With over two decades of experience as an executive and strategic advisor to Fortune 500 companies, Felecia knows that a deeper sense of purpose is essential to fulfillment, health, wellness, and business success.

Felecia's coaching is not just about achieving goals; it's about unleashing your inner badass and becoming the best version of yourself. Through her transformative approach, Felecia helps you clarify your goals, set up systems and habits, and develop influence. She understands that courage is key to increasing vitality, influence, and confidence, and her coaching focuses on unleashing your inner powerhouse to show remarkable drive, energy, courage, determination, inner strength, and heroism when faced with challenges.

Felecia's personal struggles and discovery process have taught her how to win at both business and life without having to choose one over the other. She believes that defining your non-negotiable "why" is key to success, and with her guidance, you can discover what motivates you and what you're willing to fight for. Her holistic approach to high-performance coaching considers not only the physical and mental aspects but also the emotional and spiritual elements of success.

Don't settle for a life of burnout and overwhelm. Unleash your inner badass and achieve your personal and professional best with Felecia's outcome-based research-backed coaching.


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“Felecia is full of energy and “on fire”.  It’s contagious and I feel she really understands me.  She took my limiting thoughts and starts playing with it as if it was a ball.  She makes me laugh about myself.  She knows how to listen, but never let my negative story bring her or me down.  She fills me up with energy.  I feel like she has a box full of ideas and strategies.   She helped me recognize my wins in business and it made me realize that I was playing too small.” 

— Lucia e - life coach

“Having Felecia as a coach truly changed my life. It gave me the tools to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Her coaching can be the missing piece to healing yourself!  Please try it!  You’re worth it.”

— Pricilla b - office manager

“Felecia combines encouragement, metrics and accountability in her sessions.  Her follow-through is exceptional.  Always on-time and organized.  These sessions have transformed my life personally and professionally.” 

— Victoria J - market vice president

Ready to dive in?

fun facts

Growing up in the breathtaking St. Croix, US Virgin Islands, I was surrounded by crystal clear waters and lush greenery. It's where I learned to love adventure, challenge, and growth. Now, I'm based in Westchester, New York, with my amazing family, where we continue to create new memories and explore the world.

When I'm not helping others unleash their inner badass, you can find me immersed in a good book or getting lost in a captivating movie. These passions fuel my creativity and inspire me to always push beyond limits, just like my Enneagram Type: The Challenger/The Achiever.

So let's connect, share stories, and unleash our inner powerhouses together. Because when we push ourselves to be our best selves, anything is possible!

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1. Fun fact

My heart overflows with pride and inspiration every time I think of my children. They are my driving force, my reason for waking up every day with passion and determination to conquer the world. I am on a mission to create a legacy that will make them proud not only today but for generations to come. I want their great grand kids to look back on our family history and see the legacy of a warrior who never backed down from a challenge and lived with purpose and passion.

2. Fun fact

And as a personal point, I have to say that reading has been one of my favorite pastimes since I was a child. I believe that books have the power to transform our lives and inspire us to reach for our dreams. These are just a few of my all-time favorites that have had a profound impact on me, and I hope they will do the same for you.

  1. High-Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard - this book is all about how to achieve long-term success and fulfillment by mastering six key habits. It's helped me become more productive and focused in my work and personal life.

  2. Becoming by Michelle Obama - this powerful memoir by the former First Lady is all about her journey from the South Side of Chicago to the White House. It's a must-read for anyone who wants to be inspired and motivated to achieve their goals.

  3. The Road Less Stupid by Keith J. Cunningham - this one's all about business strategy and decision-making. It's a practical guide that's helped me become a better problem-solver and strategic thinker.

  4. Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg, PhD - if you struggle with creating new habits, this book is a must-read. It's all about breaking down big goals into small, achievable steps and celebrating your progress along the way.

  5. The One Thing by Gary Keller - this book is all about focusing on the one thing that will make the biggest impact in your life or work. It's helped me prioritize and stay focused on what's really important.

  6. The Success Principles by Jack Canfield - this book is a classic for a reason. It's packed with practical tips and strategies for achieving success in all areas of your life.

  7. Radical Candor by Kim Scott: If you want to be an exceptional boss who fosters open communication and feedback, then this book is for you. It's all about creating a workplace culture where everyone feels valued and heard.

  8. Limitless by Jim Kwik: This book is a game-changer if you're looking to unlock your full potential and achieve more than you ever thought possible. It's packed with practical tips and strategies to help you improve your memory, focus, and overall cognitive abilities. Get ready to become limitless in your thinking and actions!

  9. Believe It by Jamie Lima - this memoir by the founder of IT Cosmetics is all about how she overcame self-doubt and rejection to build a successful beauty brand. It's a powerful reminder that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and keep pushing forward.

  10. Profit First by Mike Michalowicz: This book offers a unique approach to managing your finances and maximizing profitability in your business.

Felecia Etienne High Performance Coach
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3. Fun fact

Favorite Movie? 

  1. Zootopia: This movie is more than just an animated comedy; it highlights the importance of diversity, inclusion, and breaking down stereotypes.

  2. Hidden Figures is a great movie that showcases strong women in tech. It tells the true story of three brilliant African American women who worked at NASA during the Space Race and played a crucial role in the success of the Apollo 11 mission. The movie highlights the challenges they faced as women of color working in a male-dominated field and celebrates their intelligence, perseverance, and contributions to science and history. One lesson learned from the movie is that with determination, hard work, and support from allies, women can excel in any field they choose, including tech.

  3. Captain Marvel: This movie is not just a superhero action flick; it showcases the power of perseverance, the importance of trusting yourself, and the ability to overcome obstacles and adversity.

  4. Black Panther: This movie is more than just a superhero blockbuster; it celebrates African culture and traditions, highlights the importance of community, and encourages us to use our gifts and talents to make a positive impact in the world.

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The why behind it all!

You deserve to live a life that excites you, fulfills you, and brings you joy every single day. You deserve a career or business that allows you to make a positive impact in the world while still prioritizing your health, relationships, and family. I believe that you can have it all - the success, the happiness, and the freedom to live life on your own terms. Let's work together to make that a reality and unleash your inner powerhouse.