free 3-part workshop series

Ready to finally end the never-ending cycle of busyness, feeling overwhelmed, and not making progress towards your goals?

…without ever doing more, sacrificing your time, energy, life, relationships or well-being.

here’s what you’re learning:

  • Part 1: Goal Mastery Essentials

  • Free Workshop Stop Being Be Focused and Productive | Achieve More | Felecia Etienne | High Performance Success Coaching

    Part 2: Time Management Transformation

  • Part 3: Overcoming Overwhelm for Goal Achievement

Why do only 8% of people ever achieve their goals?

Discover the secrets behind this staggering statistic and uncover what sets apart the successful few from the rest.

What are the missing 'ingredients' when it comes to your goal setting?

Identify the key elements that are often overlooked, preventing you from setting and achieving your goals effectively.

Why have we got it all wrong when it comes to time management?

Uncover the common misconceptions about time management and learn how to optimize your time to maximize productivity and goal attainment.

How can you set yourself up to take control and own your day every day?

Explore strategies and techniques to establish empowering routines and habits that enable you to seize each day with confidence and purpose.

Why is tracking your progress important to achieving your goals?

Learn the value of monitoring your progress, celebrating milestones, and making adjustments along the way to ensure continued progress toward your goals.

How can you start achieving your goals without the overwhelm?

Discover practical strategies to overcome overwhelm, manage your priorities effectively, and take confident steps towards accomplishing your goals.

Breaking down the 3-part series

Part 1: Goal Mastery Essentials

Session 1: "Cracking the Code: Unlocking Goal Achievement" Uncover the reasons behind the startling statistic that only 8% of people achieve their goals. Discover the secrets that set apart the successful few and learn how to apply these principles to your own goal-setting journey.

Session 2: "The Power of Purposeful Planning" Identify the missing ingredients in your goal-setting process that may be holding you back. Learn how to create a strategic and effective plan that aligns with your values, motivations, and aspirations.

Part 2: Time Management Transformation

Session 3: "Time is on Your Side: The Truth About Time Management" Let's debunk common misconceptions about time management and dive into practical strategies for optimizing your time! Find out how to prioritize effectively, ditch time-wasting activities, and boost your productivity.

Session 4: "Mastering Your Day: Taking Control of Your Time" Discover effective techniques and habits that empower you to seize control of your day and make every moment count. Find out how to establish empowering routines, set boundaries, and make the most of your time for maximum progress towards your goals.

Part 3: Conquering overwhelm to achieve your goals!

Session 5: "Progress Tracking: Celebrating Milestones and Course Correction" Learn the importance of tracking your progress and celebrating milestones along your goal achievement journey. Discover how monitoring your progress and making necessary adjustments can propel you forward and keep overwhelm at bay.

Session 6: "From Overwhelm to Success: Strategies for Goal Achievement" Uncover practical strategies to overcome overwhelm, manage your priorities effectively, and maintain focus on your goals. Learn how to break tasks into manageable steps, delegate when necessary, and stay motivated throughout the journey.

“I have to say, this workshop was a game-changer! I used to be caught in a constant loop of busyness, chasing after my goals but never quite getting there. It left me exhausted, overwhelmed, and questioning if it was all worth it. This training showed me a different approach, one that didn't require me to sacrifice my time, energy, or relationships. I learned the secrets of the top achievers, the missing pieces to my goal-setting puzzle.”

Emily, J, EVP

This training is perfect for you if…

  • You're tired of feeling stuck in a cycle of busyness and want to break free to achieve your goals.

  • You desire to take control of your time, energy, and focus to create meaningful results.

  • You're tired of sacrificing your well-being, relationships, and personal life or business for success.

  • You're ready to learn practical strategies to increase productivity and efficiency.

  • You want to set clear and intentional goals that align with your vision and values.

  • You're open to developing new habits and mindset shifts that support your success.

  • You're determined to overcome overwhelm and enjoy the journey with more ease and flow.

  • You're committed to taking action and making lasting changes to achieve your audacious goals.

hi there! I’m felecia

I was overworked, overwhelmed, and constantly busy for years - And it almost took my life.

I’m a certified high-performance & leadership coach who has helped 1000 of high achievers stop the cycle of busyness, in action, and overwhelm. I've been in your shoes, and I know the toll it takes on your well-being.

I used to believe I had it all together, but deep down, I was neglecting myself in the pursuit of success. It wasn't until I faced a life-threatening situation that I realized something had to change.

Through my own journey of self-discovery, I discovered the power of structure and habits. They transformed me into a productive, efficient, and resilient individual. Now, I want to share that knowledge with you.

In this training, I will guide you on clarifying your goals, setting up supportive systems and habits, and developing the influence to achieve your dreams. As someone who has experienced the sacrifices of success, I understand the toll it can take on your mind, body, and soul.

I've designed this coaching to be practical and results-oriented. I want to empower you to take control of your life, tap into your inner strength, and overcome any obstacles in your path.

I'm not just a high-performance & leadership coach; I'm also a business and life strategist, motivational speaker, and all-around badass. Together, we can create a fulfilling life full of joy, adventure, and purpose.

Join me in this training, and let's embark on a transformative journey to take control of your goals and achieve more without sacrificing your well-being.

looking for leadership and team coaching, training & development.

Got questions?

no problem! we got answers