Control Your Mind - Fear it or Control it... You Get in Life What You Create

Control Your Mind - Fear it or Control it... You Get in Life What You Create

Do you ever have moments when it feels like there's something pulling the strings on your life rather than the other way around? You're not alone if you find yourself dealing with worries, anxiety, and stress that take a toll on your mental health. We live in a chaotic world where news, distractions, and obligations bombard us from every side—it's no wonder why so many of us feel overwhelmed and unable to focus on what matters most. But it doesn't have to stay that way — instead of letting these negative thoughts define you, allow yourself to explore ways to break free.

But what if I told you that you have the power to take control of your mind and, by doing so, create a life that is fulfilling, successful, and truly your own?

If we haven't met, hi, my name is Felecia!  I'm a Certified High-Performance Success Coach and Business & Life Strategist!  I love to help overwhelmed, stressed-out ambitious, high-achieving women maximize their time, energy, productivity, and influence so they can be present and intentional with the vital aspects of their life.

It's true – by being mindful of what you put into your mind and by directing your attention toward the things that matter most to you, you can transform your life in ways you never thought possible. So, are you ready to take control of your mind and fear it no longer? Let's dive in.

The Brain Doesn't Care About Your Happiness

It may come as a surprise, but the brain's primary function is not to make you happy. In fact, the brain's main job is to keep you alive by constantly scanning the environment for potential threats and responding accordingly. This means that when we encounter something that our brain perceives as a threat – physical or emotional – our body responds with a stress response, triggering a cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters that prepare us for fight or flight.

Stress and anxiety can be helpful in certain situations, such as when we need to protect ourselves from harm. But when it's chronic and ongoing, the stress response becomes harmful to our health. Flooding our bodies with cortisol and other stress hormones can lead to cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, and more. It's important to understand how to manage this stress in order to safeguard our well-being. Rather than trying to push through on your own, give yourself permission to feel what you feel — embrace living with intention and focus on creating positive change in the world by taking care of yourself first. Learn how to break free from the pressures of perfectionism, failure, & fear so that you are better equipped with the resilience needed to overcome any mental health challenges that come your way.

Mindful Input | Cutting out Negative Entertainment and Choosing Positive Input

“Don’t let people who don’t care about you, manipulate your mind, feelings and emotions or control how you think about yourself. Never give that much power to someone else.” Karon Waddell

Negative entertainment can drain us and negatively impact our mental health. Our minds are greatly influenced by the Input we receive. We can limit our exposure to negative Input by choosing positive sources like uplifting books, podcasts, and music. This may also mean cutting out toxic relationships and situations that bring negativity into our lives.

So, if our brain's primary job is not to make us happy, what can we do to take control of our minds and create a fulfilling and successful life? The answer lies in the adage, "Where attention goes, energy flows." This means that whatever we focus our attention on – whether it's positive or negative – will determine the direction of our life trajectory.

Think of your mind as a complex machine that acts on the Input it receives. Like a computer, your mind doesn't judge or discriminate – it simply operates on the information you bring in. Feeding it with negative thoughts, fears, and anxieties will respond accordingly, leading to more negative outcomes. But if you feed it with positive thoughts, hopes, and dreams, it will respond in kind, leading to a more positive and fulfilling life.

Toxic Input | Protecting Your Mind from Toxic Input

“Life does not control you. What you believe about it, does.” Alan Cohen

Toxic input can be dangerous to our mental health. Our minds are like sponges, soaking up information from all around us. But not all information is good for us, and sometimes we find ourselves taking in toxic thoughts and ideas. Protecting our minds is important by removing negative sources from our lives. Whether it's a toxic friend, a negative news source, or our own self-criticism, we need to consciously choose what we allow into our minds. Practicing self-care is also crucial in protecting our mental health. This can mean different things for different people, whether practicing mindfulness, getting enough sleep, or pursuing hobbies that bring us joy. Sometimes, we need to change our perspective to see things in a different light. Taking a step back and viewing a situation from a third-person perspective can help us gain clarity and objectivity.

And finally, thought reframing is a powerful tool in shifting our mindset from negative to positive. By challenging our negative thoughts and replacing them with more positive ones, we can train ourselves to think more optimistically. Protecting our minds from toxic Input is a continuous process, but the rewards of a healthy mind are worth the effort.

So, how can you control your mind and take control of your life? 

Here are some tips:

Cut the cord:

If you want to cut the cord and take back control of your mental well-being, start by cutting the amount of time you spend on activities that are mindless and do not give anything meaningful in return. Make a conscious decision on where you put your attention and energy. Start by focusing on things that help you grow and lead to healthier habits. Create a routine full of activities that nourish both your body and mind, such as regular exercise, meditating, reading inspiring books or articles, listening to podcasts, and spending quality time with people who make you feel good—these are all positive steps that can help increase your overall well-being. 

Clear the clutter:

In order to take control of your mental health, it’s important to eliminate any ‘mental junk food’ in your life that doesn't serve you. Unsubscribe from email newsletters that don't motivate or inform you, unfollow social media accounts that make you feel bad, and remove any toxic relationships from your life. This will help clear your mind and create a healthier environment for positive thoughts and actions. Remember to also treat yourself with the same respect you give others – prioritize self-care, get enough rest, enjoy moments of peace and quiet, practice mindfulness techniques when needed, and set realistic daily goals. 

Protect your mind:

Regularly practice ‘mind flushing’ habits to get rid of unpleasant memories and self-talk that bring you down. Instead, refocus on positive thoughts, affirmations, and uplifting experiences. Start by actively seeking out sources of positivity—whether it be reconnecting with old friends, joining a local community group, or finding a hobby that brings you joy. Make time for self-care and strive to surround yourself with people who encourage you to reach your fullest potential. You can also try writing or journaling about what truly matters to you – this will help cultivate gratitude, appreciation, and peace of mind. With these strategies combined, you'll be well on your way to leading a life filled with positivity and happiness!

Feed your mind:

Nourish your mind and fill it with knowledge – take time to read, learn, and seek out coaching or mentorship. Put yourself in an environment full of inspiring people who challenge you to be the best version of yourself. Make personal growth a priority and focus on expanding your education and skills. As you build connections and create meaningful relationships, strive to be kind, self-aware, and open-minded, as this will help empower you to reach new heights within your personal and professional life.

Related Article: 12 Secrets to Building A Resilient Mindset: What it Takes to Thrive in Difficult Times

Prioritizing Goals | Divide and Conquer

“Take notice of what thoughts you choose to fill your mind with each day. Our thoughts draw to us whatever is dominating our mind, so always keep what you are thinking about in check.” Miya Yamanouchi

You can't do everything, so pick what matters most to you and stay focused on it. Program your mind like a computer to give attention to what will drive you forward and help you achieve your goals. Prioritize effectively by using a divide-and-conquer approach. By taking the time to break down larger tasks into smaller, more manageable ones, you can prioritize effectively and reduce the sense of overwhelm. For example, let's say you have a goal of getting in shape. Instead of focusing on the larger goal, you can divide it into smaller goals, such as modifying your diet or beginning a workout routine. By taking small steps towards each goal, you prioritize more efficiently and feel accomplished along the way.

Here are six steps to utilize the divide and conquer approach:

Define the goal.

The first step to utilizing the divide and conquer approach is to define the goal. This may seem simple, but it is important to be as specific as possible. What is the goal that you are trying to achieve? What are the constraints that you are working within? Once you clearly understand the goal, you can begin to break it down into smaller pieces.

Break the goal down into smaller pieces.

Once you have defined the goal, the next step is to break it down into smaller pieces. This will make it easier to solve and help you identify any potential sub-problems that need to be addressed. For each smaller part of the goal, ask yourself what needs to be done to solve it.

Identify and prioritize smaller goals. Prioritizing your goals is a powerful way to focus your energy and stay motivated in achieving success. Knowing what you need to achieve and which tasks are most important can help you create a plan for success that works for you. As you break the goal into smaller pieces, you may identify some sub-goals that must be addressed. These are usually smaller goals that are related to the main goal.

Create a plan of action.

Once you have identified the smaller goals that need to be solved, it is time to create an action plan. For each goal, determine what steps must be taken to solve it. Implement your plan of action. The next step is to implement your plan of action. This may involve working with others or taking some time on your own, depending on the nature of the goal and your plan of action. Stay focused and work through each step until the goal is achieved.

Evaluate your results. 

After implementing your plan of action, take some time to evaluate your results. Did you achieve your goal? If not, why not? What could you have done differently? Use these insights to improve your process for next time. By following these steps, you can effectively prioritize your goals and confidently achieve success.

The 4 Steps | Relabel, Reframe, Refocus & Revalue

“If anyone controls your feelings, emotions, and thoughts—she or he controls you. Even if you are longing for love, think of yourself with love.” Debasish Mridha

Have you ever found yourself stuck in a cycle of negative self-talk? You know, those pesky little voices in your head that tell you you're not good enough or that you'll never succeed? Well, the good news is that you're not alone. And even better news? There's a way to combat those deceptive brain messages. It's time to put them to rest once and for all with The Four Steps: Relabel, Reframe, Refocus & Revalue. Dr. Jeffrey Schwartz, a well-known neuroscientist, and author, created these steps. 

  1. Relabel means giving a name to the deceptive thought, putting it into perspective instead of believing it. 

  2. Reframe means seeing the situation in a different light, making it less intimidating. 

  3. Refocus means shifting your attention to something else, taking your mind off the negative thought. 

  4. Finally, Revalue means understanding that the distorted message has no power over you.

Related Article:11 Habits to Stop Caring What Others Think

Here are some tips for implementing these steps into your daily life:

1) Practice regularly

2) Use it in situations where negative self-talk emerges

3) Celebrate any progress you make

4) Don't give up when it feels difficult

5) Keep reminding yourself that you have the power to control your thoughts

6) Don't be hard on yourself when you slip up


It's understandable to feel overwhelmed and out of control at times, but it's important to remember that you possess the power to take charge of your mind and create the life you always envisioned for yourself. You have the potential to open up paths and possibilities that would otherwise be inaccessible if your mind was controlled by fear. Take small steps in the right direction, feed your brain with positive information, and, most importantly--remember to trust in yourself. With hard work and dedication, you can transform your life and become a high performer—you need to believe in yourself and never give up. So don't wait for another second—take action today! Book your complimentary High-Performance Strategy Session now and get closer to achieving the success and happiness you deserve!

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Felecia Etienne

Felecia Etienne helps women professionals and entrepreneurs own their power and achieve success in life and business on their terms.  Felecia’s goal is to help overworked, overstressed, and underappreciated women become powerful beyond measure and live a limitless life.  As a certified peak performance coach, business strategist, and certified success principles trainer, she provides the necessary tools, resources, and business acumen to help multiply bottom-line results, increase overall productivity and resilience without burnout, stress, or overwhelm.

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